Explore subnational poverty and equity indicators
Global Subnational Atlas of Poverty (GSAP)
Subnational poverty projected to a common year in 1,800 areas across 166 economies
Subnational Poverty and Inequality Database (SPID)
A database of survey-based subnational indicators at multiple administrative levels, over time, by region and country
Learn about model-based estimates
Small Area Estimation (SAE)
Historical poverty mapping exercises and the latest guidelines to produce model-based poverty estimates at the small area level

Check SPID data availability
Hover over a country to see data available by country. Click on 'Explore More' to visualize the data in the Subnational Poverty and Inequality Database (SPID)
DisclaimerOfficial delimitation of areas and borders are being updated and might not reflect the official position of the World Bank Group. Country borders or names do not necessarily reflect the World Bank Group's official position. This map is for illustrative purposes and does not imply the expression of any opinion on the part of the World Bank, concerning the legal status of any country or territory or concerning the delimitation of frontiers or boundaries.