
Mapping the spatial dimensions of poverty and inequality

The Geospatial Poverty Portal offers the latest data on subnational poverty, inequality, and multidimensional poverty and small area estimation guidelines

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Explore subnational poverty and equity indicators

Global Subnational Atlas of Poverty (GSAP)

Subnational poverty projected to a common year in 1,800 areas across 166 economies

The World Bank

Subnational Poverty and Inequality Database (SPID)

A database of survey-based subnational indicators at multiple administrative levels, over time, by region and country

The World Bank

Learn about model-based estimates

Small Area Estimation (SAE)

Historical poverty mapping exercises and the latest guidelines to produce model-based poverty estimates at the small area level

Hands over a property map (also known as a surveyor's map) of Port-au-prince Haiti

Check SPID data availability

Hover over a country to see data available by country. Click on 'Explore More' to visualize the data in the Subnational Poverty and Inequality Database (SPID)